Information for Tenants on Air Conditioners
Now that we’re in the hot days of summer, we are receiving more calls from tenants about air conditioner rules. Check below or click here to view a PDF of our air conditioner fact sheet.
Can I have an air conditioner (AC) in my unit?
Check your lease! If you do not have a copy of your lease, ask your landlord for it. They are legally obligated to provide you with a copy.
My lease doesn’t say anything about AC
You can have an AC unit! Ensure it is securely attached and properly installed. You may need to pay extra costs for the AC depending on what your lease says about your electricity (hydro) payments.
My lease says I need my landlord’s permission to install AC
Ask your landlord for permission in writing. Keep a copy of your request. If your landlord denies or ignores your request, you could still install an AC unit, but your landlord may give you a notice telling you to remove it.
Can my landlord charge me extra for using an AC unit?
Check your lease again! Check for which of your utilities are included in your rent, and whether there are any additional terms regarding AC.*
Hydro is included in my rent. My lease does not say anything about extra charges.
Your landlord cannot charge you extra for having or using an AC unit.
Hydro is not included in my rent.
Your landlord cannot charge you extra for having or using an AC unit.
My lease says the landlord can charge me an extra fee for using an AC unit.
Your landlord can charge extra for the months that you use the AC. The amount charged cannot be more than the actual cost to your landlord and must be “reasonable.”
Can I be evicted for having an AC unit?
You cannot be evicted just for having an AC unit unless it is causing damage to the property, interfering with others, poses a safety hazard, or is explicitly banned in your lease agreement. If your landlord wants you to remove the AC or evict you for installing it, they must follow the proper Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) process, including giving you proper notice and making an application to the LTB.
*NOTE: These rules are going to change. The provincial government passed a law in 2023 that permits tenants to have AC, but allows landlord’s to charge an extra fee for the use of the AC unless the lease agreement specifically says otherwise. This law is not yet in force. The information provided in this handout is accurate as of June 24, 2024, but may change in the near future.