Immigration in the News – Making Sense of Recent News Announcements from IRCC
**The following information is accurate as of September 26, 2024.**
Over the last several months, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has made a number of announcements about changes being made to Canada’s Temporary Residence Immigration Programs. Below is a summary of some of the most significant changes. More information can be found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website, or by contacting our legal clinic.
End to Policy Allowing Visitors to Apply for Work Permits in Canada
On August 28, 2024, IRCC cancelled the Public Policy allowing person with valid temporary visitor status to apply for a Work Permit from within Canada. The Public Policy had initially been introduced in August 2020, as a response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and was set to expire on February 28, 2025. Most visitors and other persons who do not already have a Work or Study Permit will now need to apply from outside of Canada if they wish to get valid worker status.
Study Permit Intake Caps
The Government of Canada announced that there will continue to be an intake cap on the number of new Study Permit applications. IRCC will allocate a portion of the cap to each province and territory, who will then distribute the allocation among their designated learning institutions. For 2025, the cap has been set to an estimated 437,000 permits to be issued, and this number now includes all levels of post-secondary education (College and University undergrad students, as well as Master’s and Doctoral students).
Attestation Letters for Study Permits
As of January 22, 2024, study permit applicants now need to provide a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) from the province in which they intend to study, as part of their application. Instructions on how student can acquire these letters is still outstanding. Starting for the 2025-2026 intake period, PAL’s will now be required for those applying for study permits for Master’s or Doctorate programs.
PGWP Eligibility
Starting November 1, 2024, there will be changes to which students are eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). Students applying for a PGWP will need to show an English or French language proficiency to a designated Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level, in order to be successful in acquiring the permit. For University Graduates, the CLB level required will be 7, for college graduates it will be CLB level 5.
Accompanying Family Members
Spouses/partners of International Students are no longer be eligible for an Open Work Permit as an accompanying family member, unless the student is enrolled in a Masters of Doctorate program. Starting later this fall, Spouses/Partners of Master’s Students will not be eligible, unless the program the student is attending is at least 16 months, or longer, in duration.
Likewise, starting later this fall, Spouses/Partner of Temporary Foreign Workers will no longer be eligible, generally, for an Open Work Permit. Only Partners/Spouses of worker in certain types of occupations or work (list to be determined by IRCC) will be eligible.
Temporary Residence Limits
The Minister of Immigration also announced that there have been internal changes to the training and policies given to Visa Officers assessing Temporary Residence Applications, including visitor visas, to ensure that there is a “reduction in the number of non-genuine visitors” to Canada. No specifics have been provided on the changes, but it can be anticipated that this will make it more difficult for people to be approved for Visitor Visas.
For more information about recent and coming changes to the Temporary Residence Programs, visit the IRCC Website or please call our Intake Line at 416-441-1764 ext.1.
How To:
Study permit –
Work permit: About the process –
Backgrounder on Changes: Actions taken to strengthen Canada’s temporary residence programs and migration pathways –
This is legal information and not legal advice. If you need further information or need legal advice, please call our Intake Line at 416-441-1764 ext. 1 or complete our online Intake Form.