
Am I able to work while collecting OW or ODSP?

If you are able to work while being on Ontario Works (OW) or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you should be aware of the employment earning exemption rules for both support programs.  Earnings exemptions are the rules that let you earn some money without OW or ODSP reducing your assistance by the full amount that you earn.

Ontario Works

After you have been receiving Ontario Works for three months in a row, the general rule is that you can earn up to $200 a month without having your financial assistance reduced. For every $1.00 you earn after that, Ontario Works will deduct $0.50 from the amount of money you receive.

If you make more than $200 in net earnings in a month, OW gives you less assistance. They reduce your assistance by an amount that equals half (50%) of the net earnings you make that are more than $200.

For example, if you make $300 in net earnings in a month, OW takes $50 from the amount they usually give you. This is because $300 in net earnings minus $200 equals $100.  (300-200=$100) And $100 divided by 2 equals $50. ($100/2= $50)  See below:

 $300 monthly net earnings
-$200 (OW earnings exemption)
= $100
÷ 0.50 (50%)
= $50 (amount OW subtracts from the amount they usually give you)

There are rules about when OW includes a child who is 18 or older in your household. If an adult child in your household is a full-time student in high school or a post-secondary program, OW does not include their earnings as income and their earnings do not affect how much you get from OW.


For ODSP, the general rule is that you can now make $1000 in net earnings in a month before it affects the amount ODSP gives you.

If you make more than $1000 in net earnings in a month, ODSP gives you less money. They will reduce your income support by 75% of the net earnings you make that are more than $1000.

For example, if you make $1500 in net earnings in a month, ODSP takes $375 from the amount they usually give you. This is because $1500 in net earnings minus $1000 equals $500. And 75% of $500 is $375. See below:

 $1500 monthly net earnings
-$1000 (ODSP earnings exemption)
= $500
÷ 0.75 (75%)
= $375 (amount ODSP subtracts from the amount they usually give you)

If an adult child in your household who is18 years or older and is a full-time student in high school or a post-secondary program, ODSP does not include their earnings as income and their earnings do not affect how much you get from ODSP.

*The above is a simply a brief overview of the employment earnings exemption for OW and ODSP and, if interested, you should seek more information and/or legal advice. You may start by contacting our at 416-441-1764 ext. 1 or complete our online Intake Form.