Workshop on Human Trafficking Awareness
Heritage Skills Development Centre is hosting an interactive workshop on Human Trafficking Awareness. The 10-week series of workshops will focus on how to respond to and prevent human trafficking that will take place April 6, 2023, to June 8, 2023, from 4:00- 5:30 pm on ZOOM.
The workshops will explore how anyone can become a victim of human trafficking, cybercrime, how computers, social networks, and digital devices use to target vulnerable youth for human trafficking, including strategies to protect and prevent the risk of being trafficked.
The workshops will equip participants with the necessary tools and ability to recognize a perpetrator, where to go, and how to get support if someone has already been a victim of trafficking. In each session, experienced guest speakers from different organizations will share their knowledge and insights.
Please register online here:
For any questions, contact Heritage Skills Development Centre by email at or call (416) 345-1613.