
Toronto – Ontario Works – 3 Offices Open

Emergency Financial Assistance

Applications for Ontario Works financial assistance will continue online Opens in new window and through the City’s Application and Support Centre from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Application and Support Centre will be accessible by phone only: 416-338-8888;   1-888-465-4478 (toll free)

Currently receiving Financial Assistance – Discretionary Benefits

The City of Toronto has also been working remotely.  Monthly social assistance income continues payments through Direct Deposit.  If you have extraordinary costs due to COVID-19 – keep your receipts and contact your Caseworker to make a claim (maximum $100 for single, $200 for a couple). This new money is discretionary and there is no appeal process. If the caseworker says that you do not qualify –  still send in an Internal Review for a better explanation.

If your caseworker requires you to attend an Ontario Works office – you will be directed to 1 of 3 offices in the city

  • Metro Hall Employment & Social Services
  • Scarborough Village Employment & Social Services
  • York Humber Employment & Social Services

You must observe the Social Distancing requirements at that office.   Here is the link for further information.