Toronto – Ontario Works – 3 Offices Open
Emergency Financial Assistance
Applications for Ontario Works financial assistance will continue online and through the City’s Application and Support Centre from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Application and Support Centre will be accessible by phone only: 416-338-8888; 1-888-465-4478 (toll free)
Currently receiving Financial Assistance – Discretionary Benefits
The City of Toronto has also been working remotely. Monthly social assistance income continues payments through Direct Deposit. If you have extraordinary costs due to COVID-19 – keep your receipts and contact your Caseworker to make a claim (maximum $100 for single, $200 for a couple). This new money is discretionary and there is no appeal process. If the caseworker says that you do not qualify – still send in an Internal Review for a better explanation.
If your caseworker requires you to attend an Ontario Works office – you will be directed to 1 of 3 offices in the city
- Metro Hall Employment & Social Services
- Scarborough Village Employment & Social Services
- York Humber Employment & Social Services
You must observe the Social Distancing requirements at that office. Here is the link for further information.